2025 Georgia Upstate Lakes Board of REALTORS® Affiliate Partnership Program
Affiliate Partnership with Georgia Upstate Lakes Board of REALTORS® allows you to network with +/-150 REALTOR members at all events.
Bronze Level Affiliate Partner $500:
- Co-sponsor of event!
- Ability to address membership at the sponsored event, hand out promotional materials, and speak to members for 5 minutes!
- GULBOR Membership list!
- Company logo on all promotional flyers for the selected event!
- Sole sponsor of your industry for the selected event!
Silver Level Affiliate Partner $1,000:
Bronze Level benefits PLUS
- Sole sponsor of CE class!
- One complimentary company table at Taco Bingo or Affiliate Expo!
Partner Today!
Partner Today!
Gold Level Affiliate Partner $2,500:
Bronze Level Benefits PLUS
- Sole Gold Sponsor of either Circle of Excellence or Thanksgiving Installation events!
- One free complimentary table to Taco Bingo AND Affiliate Expo!
- Sponsor signage at event!
- Email promotion on ALL outgoing correspondence for the entire year!
- Facebook promotion with event promotion!
Act Quickly! Only 2 Slots Available!
Partner Today!
**Option to add a $50 RPAC Investment to each level**
We encourage all partners to consider making a $50 political contribution to the REALTOR® Political Action Committee through the Political Action Fund to further support our Industry. GARPAC contributions are voluntary and are used for political purposes. Contributions are not deductible for Federal Income Tax purposes. The Association will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution, and you may refuse to contribute without reprisal by the Association. Seventy percent of each contribution is split between Georgia RPAC to support state and local political candidates and Georgia RIAC for issues mobilization and education. Thirty percent is sent to National RPAC to support Federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a.